

Athletics association C.A.V Energie

Twinson Industrial Automation is the main sponsor of athletics association C.A.V. Energie in Barendrecht.

This nationally known large sports association makes an important and broad social contribution by stimulating people to take up sports and to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Joint sports of disabled and able-bodied athletes go hand in hand here.

Twinson’s business philosophy

Twinson’s sponsorship of C.A.V. Energie is in line with the company’s corporate philosophy in which involvement and collaboration play a central role. By supporting a sports association, and therefore a healthy lifestyle, Twinson wants to contribute to a better life for everyone at all times.

Visit the C.A.V. Energie website to learn more about the possibilities they have to offer. We would also like to point out that Atletiek.nu offers an application that has been specially developed for the easy and advanced management of athletics competitions. This app is free to use for athletes, coaches & trainers.

Steeple Chase

Maritime projects are an important part of the activities of Twinson Industrial Automation. That is why the adoption of the athletics component Steeple Chase, with each lap round a passage over the water bowl, gave a playful connection with the item water management. The content of the tank on board a ship and the fluctuation in the measurements that is accompanied by wave movements when the open sea is chosen are correctly spent on Twinson. The Twinson Energie Steeple meetings are now just as (inter) nationally known as our company. A leap forward for both.

Contributing to a better life for everyone and at any time

when industrial automation matters

Apollo IQ
Typical Manager
Open Bridge